Upgraded to PrimeFaces 13.0.10 and Java version 21 (12/16/2024);
Fixed the issue with Steiner Forest network creation for multiple node types (10/15/2024);
Enhanced node coloring for signaling network (10/02/2024);
Migrated from Java EE to Jakarta EE (09/21/2024);
Harmonized curation from different TF databases (ENCODE, ReMap, Enrichr, GTEx, ARCHS4), and updated the CHEA TF-target database to version 3 (06/27/2024);
Updated PPI databases - STRING from v11 to v12.0, and IntAct 2022 to 2024 (Release 247) with more species added (06/27/2024);
Bug fix for layered layout in 3D network visualization (03/21/2024)
Added support for pie chart node for multi list input (02/01/2024);
Upgraded to the latest R 4.3.2 and PrimeFaces 13.0.1. (12/20/2023);
Code consolidation and cleaning for better performance (02/26/2023);
NetworkAnalystR and its tutorial is now released (11/06/2022);
Code refactoring and minor interface updates (07/06/2022);
Bug fixes for zero-order network generation (06/24/2022);
Bug fixes for enrichment network (04/02/2022);
The gene expression analysis and meta-analysis modules are now migrated to the ExpressAnalys (03/14/2022);
Fixed the issue associated with empty columns in the abundance table (01/28/2022);
Users can now perform GO analysis for any non-model species profiled by Seq2Fun (01/20/2022);
Added support for Seq2Fun output to enable streamlined analysis of gene expression data from any species (01/19/2022);
Migrating raw RNAseq processing from Galaxy to EcoOmicsAnalyst for better interface and support (01/07/2022);
Upgraded to PrimeFaces 11 (12/14/2021);
Added support for Hyalella azteca (12/09/2021);
Fixed issue for gene symbols display for fruit fly (11/18/2021);
Enhanced meta-analysis result table download based on user feedback (11/12/2021);
Fixed the issue with host-parasite and host-microbiome interaction dialog (10/12/2021);
Updated rainbow trout annotation based on the new release (08/15/2021);
Added common network topology measures in the Network Builder page (07/01/2021);
Fixed node size issue for enrichment networks (06/07/2021);
Added support for KEGG ortholog IDs (05/03/2021);
Added NCBI annotation support for fathead minnow (04/22/2021);
Fixed several issues with tools for network customization (04/16/2021);
Upgraded to PrimeFaces 10! (03/27/2021);
Fixed SVG export issue for enrichment network analysis (03/06/2021);
Enhanced support for enrichment network visualization (02/18/2021);
Enhanced support for several important species in ecology (rainbow trout, fathead minnow, Japanese quail, African clawed frog, and northern leopard frog) (02/12/2021);
Enhanced network and volcano plot visualization (01/20/2021);
Fixed issue with PNG export for networks (12/29/2020);
Fixed the issue with uploading data with unspecified ID in the meta-analysis module (12/10/2020);
Users can now create integrated networks by selecting several types of network databases during network creation (10/08/2020);
Users can now apply reduce node overlap on a selected region of interest (09/15/2020);
Added support for gradient background and bi/tripartite network layout (09/03/2020);
Consolidated the interface for network selection and network tools (08/20/2020);
Added cross-species PPI support between host and 15 parasites as well as host and microbiome(08/07/2020);
Added support for page sharing - click the
to share interactive visual analytics results with your collaborators! (05/18/2020);
Added support for the Human Reference Interactome (HuRI) map (05/13/2020);
Added support for edge bundling in 2D network view (04/09/2020);
Added support for functional analysis for users upload network files (02/22/2020);
Fixed the issue with InnateDB ID mapping (02/17/2020);
Code cleaning and refactoring (02/03/2020);
Added support for colorblind-friendly schema in network and heatmap visualization (01/10/2020);
Updated all gene ID annotation files based on the latest database (NCBI, Uniprot, StringDB and Biomart) (12/16/2019);
The Current Selection panel in Network View page show Fold Change (FC) values for genes selected (11/29/2019);
Fixed broken link for project management (save/delete) (11/20/2019);
Updated R from 3.5.1 to the latest version (3.6.1) (10/16/2019);
Volcano plot now supports enrichment analysis against user defined gene sets (10/07/2019);
Fixed the broken link in meta-analysis result download page (09/18/2019);
Bug fixes - GSEA and uploading multiple list files are working now (06/24/2019);
Enhanced graphML parsing for network file upload (05/31/2019);
Updated web framework to PrimeFaces 7.0 (05/18/2019);
Updated KEGG pathways for all 17 species (04/30/2019);
Fixed the issue with PCA 3D visual analytics (04/05/2019);
Fixed the issue with DE analysis for species not in the list of 17 organisms (03/28/2019);
Our NetworkAnalyst 3.0 manuscript is accepted by Nucleic Acids Research! (03/23/2019);
Added support for WormBase ID for C. elegans (03/22/2019);
Users can now upload one or more gene list file(s) in addition to direct copy-and-paste (03/18/2019);
Fixed issue with box plot display when clicking a data point in volcano plot (03/12/2019);
Fixed issue with meta-data upload and table display (03/06/2019);
Updated FAQs and Tutorials based on new features (02/01/2019);
Added support for heatmap visual analytics for gene lists (01/23/2019);
Added GSEA support for gene expression meta-analysis (01/15/2018);
Added support for enrichment network visual analytics (01/07/2019);
Added support for multiple gene lists upload (12/21/2018);
Updated FAQs and added 6 new tutorials for NetworkAnalyst (12/18/2018);
Added support for different gene ranking options for GSEA (12/12/2018);
Added GSEA support for gene expression analysis (12/08/2018);
Code refactoring to improve speed and memory efficiency (12/05/2018);
Added support for PANTHER GO slim libraries for all enrichment analysis moduels (11/22/2018);
Added project management support to allow registered users to resume their data analysis later! (11/15/2018);
Added support for uploading common graph files from R or Cytoscape (10/22/2018);
Added support for network visualization in 3D space (10/18/2018);
Added support for raw RNAseq analysis using our Galaxy server (10/15/2018);
Fixed the annotation file for Illumina HumanRef-8 V3 BeadArray (07/06/2018);
See Resources on API for programmatic access (05/06/2018);
Fixed the issue with M. tuberculosis PPI network generation (05/03/2018);
Added support for P. aeruginosa (02/13/2018);
Minor bug fix for subnetwork rendering (02/07/2018);
Added support for M. tuberculosis (12/05/2017);
Added support for gene expression analysis for Japanese quail (11/09/2017);
Added support to reduce node overlaps in network layout (09/15/2017);
Updated the method for computing minimum network - which can obtain similar minimum network from large-scale network in a short time (07/10/2017);
Enhanced heatmap resolutions and network node highlighting (06/01/2017);
Fixed name mapping issue with A. thaliana (02/27/2017);
Fixed node name display issue for fruitfly and C. elegans (02/06/2017);
Fixed ID mapping issue with STRING database (01/23/2017);
Fixed the issue with SIF file generation (01/16/2017);
Fixed issue with PPI mapping for fruitfly (01/10/2017);
Added support for Venn diagram visual analytics (12/9/2016);
Added support for gene-TF interactions based on
ENCODE, JASPAR and ChEA (12/9/2016);
Added support for gene-chemical interactions (12/8/2016);
Added support for data filtering step in differential expression analysis (12/6/2016)
Added support for protein-drug interactions (12/5/2016)
Added VSN normalization support for microarray data (11/25/2016)
Both Network and Heatmap now support Retina display (11/20/2016)
Enhanced clustering analysis for heatmap visualization (11/18/2016);
Added support for miRNA-target gene interaction network. (11/15/2016);
Added support for t-SNE clustering 3D visualization. (11/10/2016);
Detailed DE result table is now available for single gene expression data. (11/05/2016);
Enhanced interface for differential expression analysis. (11/05/2016);
NetworkAnalyst now supports limma, edgeR and DEseq2 for RNAseq data analysis. (10/28/2016);
Added support for two community detection algorithms (Infomap & Label Propagation) (09/28/2016);
Added support for eight new species including three animals (zebrafish, cow & chicken),
two bacteria (E. coli & B. subtilis), two parasites (T. brucei & P. falciparum)
and one plant (A. thaliana) (09/22/2016);
Added support for PPI data from STRING (09/12/2016);
Added support for node edge coloring (08/16/2016);
Updated major data I/O functions for better performance (08/05/2016);
Minor bug fix and code refactoring for memory efficiency (07/20/2016);
Enhanced support for network color gradient to reflect expression level (07/18/2016);
Updated FAQs (#25) on how to generate a high-resolution network image (07/15/2016);
Updated SVG Export to fully capture the network view (07/12/2016);
Updated network view and layout features for better visualization (07/8/2016);
Updated the web framework for better performance (07/07/2016);
Added support for motif (transcriptional factor binding sites, miRNA target sites, etc) enrichment
analysis for human and mouse (02/11/2016);
Added support for batch selection-and-dragging nodes using mouse (01/05/2016);
Enhanced network visualization for retina display (12/21/2015);
Enhanced features for heatmap analysis support (10/26/2015);
Added EdgeR support for analysis of single RNAseq count data (10/15/2015)
Added support for downloading coordinates file in 3D PCA visualization (09/15/2015)
Added support for batch effect adjustment (Combat) (07/28/2015)
Added support for interactive 3D PCA visualization (07/27/2015)
NetworkAnalyst now allows statisitcal gene expression analysis or meta-analysis for
any organism (07/24/2015)
Added recovery messages to allow user to switch to a different server (07/24/2015)
Users can now download and then re-upload the merged data in meta-analysis module (07/23/2015)
Updated the normalization interface with more options (07/08/2015)
Added support for gene symbols in all modules (07/06/2015)
Minor bug fixes for heatmap rendering issue (06/25/2015)
Added support for two microarray platforms Affymetrix Mouse Gene 1.0 ST Array and
Affymetrix GeneChip Mouse Genome 430 2.0 (06/21/2015)
We are testing our mirror site (mirror.networkanalyst.ca) on Google Cloud. Traffics will be distributed between the two websites.
Let us know if you experience any issue (06/11/2015)
Upgraded the network visualization framework for better performance (06/05/2015);
Fixed the chord diagram rendering bug (06/04/2015);
Nature Protocols on NetworkAnalyst is now released (05/07/2015);
Added more data normalization options and updated FAQs (05/06/2015);
Now supports drag-and-drop current highlighted nodes (03/16/2015);
Added gene search support for the meta-analysis result table (03/12/2015);
Added support for new human interactome data by
Rolland T. et al (02/20/2015);
NetworkAnalyst now supports data from Yeast (S. cerevisiae) (02/18/2015);
Added KEGG pathway analysis support for C. elegans and Fruitfly (02/16/2015);
You can download network as SVG image (02/02/2015);
Users can now control the order in specific comparison (01/27/2015);
Added a toggle highlight function for chord diagram (01/09/2015);
Added support for batch selection in network view (12/08/2014);
Updated tutorials and FAQs (12/01/2014);
Added support for computing the difference and intersection in Chord diagram (11/25/2014);
Users can now drag a node and its dependant nodes simultaneously (11/18/2014);
Added support to Select all from Overview to Focus view in heatmap view (11/10/2014);
Added support to resume analysis from a saved session file; (11/05/2014)
Added support to save SVG image for chord diagram;(11/03/2014)
You can now manually drag-and-drop individual nodes in network view; (10/15/2014)
NetworkAnalyst now supports data from D. melanogaster (fruit fly); (10/3/2014)
Users can now compute intersections of any datasets in Chord diagram; (09/25/2014)
NetworkAnalyst now supports data from C. elegans; (09/15/2014)
Enhanced support for single gene network analysis; (09/10/2014)
Added interactive chord diagram support for comparison of multiple datasets; (09/02/2014)
Updated the Neo4j graph database; (08/28/2014)
Updated interface for network visualzation; (08/25/2014)
Added interactive heatmap support for visualizing expression profiles of
single or multiple datasets; (08/20/2014)
Fixed a minor bug for network visualization; (08/15/2014)
Added statistical methods for meta-analysis; (08/10/2014)
Users can now use NetworkAnalyst from InnateDB; (07/20/2014)
Merged interface for processing single and multiple
expression datasets; (06/30/2014)
Updated tutorials and FAQs; (06/15/2014)
Added support for multiple gene lists; (06/14/2014)
Improved interface for Network Builder and performance optimization; (06/12/2014)
Added support for white background and edge thickness adjustment (05/20/2014)
Updated interface for network builder (04/30/2014)
Added Trim function to compute minimum network connecting all seed proteins (04/15/2014)
Added support for official gene symbol lists (02/20/2014)
NetworkAnalyst official release (01/30/2014)
NetworkAnalyst website is ready for testing (12/10/2013)